Disables monitoring of the URL.
Call this method before UI-Router has bootstrapped. It will stop UI-Router from performing the initial url sync.
This can be useful to perform some asynchronous initialization before the router starts. Once the initialization is complete, call listen to tell UI-Router to start watching and synchronizing the URL.
// Prevent UI-Router from automatically intercepting URL changes when it starts;
fetch('/states.json').then(resp => resp.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(state => $stateRegistry.register(state));
Indicates whether to defer location change interception.
Passing no parameter is equivalent to true
Gets the hash part of the current url
If the current URL is /some/path?query=value#anchor
, this returns anchor
the hash (anchor) portion of the url
Starts or stops listening for URL changes
Call this sometime after calling deferIntercept to start monitoring the url. This causes UI-Router to start listening for changes to the URL, if it wasn't already listening.
If called with false
, UI-Router will stop listening (call listen(true) to start listening again).
fetch('/states.json').then(resp => resp.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(state => $stateRegistry.register(state));
// Start responding to URL changes
or false
to start or stop listening to URL changes
Matches a URL
Given a URL (as a UrlParts object), check all rules and determine the best matching rule. Return the result as a MatchResult.
Gets the path part of the current url
If the current URL is /some/path?query=value#anchor
, this returns /some/path
the path portion of the url
Gets the search part of the current url as an object
If the current URL is /some/path?query=value#anchor
, this returns { query: 'value' }
the search (query) portion of the url, as an object
Activates the best rule for the current URL
Checks the current URL for a matching UrlRule, then invokes that rule's handler. This method is called internally any time the URL has changed.
This effectively activates the state (or redirect, etc) which matches the current URL.
fetch('/states.json').then(resp => resp.json()).then(data => {
data.forEach(state => $stateRegistry.register(state));
// Find the matching URL and invoke the handler.
Gets the current url, or updates the url
When no arguments are passed, returns the current URL. The URL is normalized using the internal path/search/hash values.
For example, the URL may be stored in the hash ([[HashLocationServices]]) or have a base HREF prepended ([[PushStateLocationServices]]).
The raw URL in the browser might be:
then this method returns:
locationServices.url(); // "/some/path?query=value#anchor"
When newurl
arguments is provided, changes the URL to reflect newurl
locationServices.url("/some/path?query=value#anchor", true);
When true, replaces the current history entry (instead of appending it) with this new url
The history's state object, i.e., pushState (if the LocationServices implementation supports it)
the url (after potentially being processed)
Generated using TypeDoc
API for URL management