transition | UI-Router
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External module transition

This module contains APIs related to a Transition.

See Transition, $transitions


Type aliases

IErrorHandler: function

Type declaration

    • (error: Error): void
    • Parameters

      • error: Error

      Returns void

IHookGetter: function

Type declaration

IHookRegistration: function

Type declaration

IStateMatch: Predicate
MatchCriterion: string | function | boolean

A glob string that matches the name of a state Or, a function with the signature function(state) { return matches; } which should return a boolean to indicate if a state matches. Or, true to match anything

A glob string that matches the name of a state Or, a function with the signature function(state) { return matches; } which should return a boolean to indicate if a state matches. Or, true to match anything


stateSelf: function

Type declaration

transitionCount: number


  • matchState(state: State, criterion: MatchCriterion): boolean
  • Determines if the given state matches the matchCriteria

  • Determines if the given state matches the matchCriteria


    • state: State

      a State Object to test against

    • criterion: MatchCriterion
      • If a string, matchState uses the string as a glob-matcher against the state name
      • If an array (of strings), matchState uses each string in the array as a glob-matchers against the state name and returns a positive match if any of the globs match.
      • If a function, matchState calls the function with the state and returns true if the function's result is truthy.

    Returns boolean


  • tupleSort(reverseDepthSort?: boolean): nodeDepthThenPriority
  • A factory for a sort function for HookTuples.

  • A factory for a sort function for HookTuples.

    The sort function first compares the Node depth (how deep in the state tree a node is), then compares the EventHook priority.


    • reverseDepthSort Default value: boolean = false

      a boolean, when true, reverses the sort order for the node depth

    Returns nodeDepthThenPriority


    a tuple sort function

Object literals

defaultOptions: object
async: boolean
current: noop
rejectIfSuperseded: boolean
traceData: object

Type declaration

transition: null
defaultTransOpts: object

The default transition options. Include this object when applying custom defaults: let reloadOpts = { reload: true, notify: true } let options = defaults(theirOpts, customDefaults, defaultOptions);

The default transition options. Include this object when applying custom defaults: let reloadOpts = { reload: true, notify: true } let options = defaults(theirOpts, customDefaults, defaultOptions);

custom: object

Type declaration

inherit: boolean
location: boolean
notify: boolean
relative: null
reload: boolean
  • current(): any

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