Resolvables encapsulate a state's resolve's resolveFn, the resolveFn's declared dependencies, the wrapped (.promise),
and the unwrapped-when-complete (.data) result of the resolveFn.
Resolvable.get() either retrieves the Resolvable's existing promise, or else invokes resolve() (which invokes the
resolveFn) and returns the resulting promise.
Resolvable.get() and Resolvable.resolve() both execute within a context path, which is passed as the first
parameter to those fns.
The basic building block for the resolve system.
Resolvables encapsulate a state's resolve's resolveFn, the resolveFn's declared dependencies, the wrapped (.promise), and the unwrapped-when-complete (.data) result of the resolveFn.
Resolvable.get() either retrieves the Resolvable's existing promise, or else invokes resolve() (which invokes the resolveFn) and returns the resulting promise.
Resolvable.get() and Resolvable.resolve() both execute within a context path, which is passed as the first parameter to those fns.