HookBuilder | UI-Router
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Class HookBuilder

This class returns applicable TransitionHooks for a specific Transition instance.

Hooks (IEventHook) may be registered globally, e.g., $transitions.onEnter(...), or locally, e.g. myTransition.onEnter(...). The HookBuilder finds matching IEventHooks (where the match criteria is determined by the type of hook)

The HookBuilder also converts IEventHooks objects to TransitionHook objects, which are used to run a Transition.

The HookBuilder constructor is given the $transitions service and a Transition instance. Thus, a HookBuilder instance may only be used for one specific Transition object. (side note: the _treeChanges accessor is private in the Transition class, so we must also provide the Transition's _treeChanges)


  • HookBuilder




$transitions: ITransitionService
baseHookOptions: TransitionHookOptions
fromState: State
toState: State
transition: Transition
transitionOptions: TransitionOptions
treeChanges: TreeChanges


  • _buildNodeHooks(hookType: string, matchingNodesProp: string, sortHooksFn: function, getLocals?: function, options?: TransitionHookOptions): TransitionHook[]
  • Returns an array of newly built TransitionHook objects.

  • Returns an array of newly built TransitionHook objects.

    • Finds all IEventHooks registered for the given hookType which matched the transition's TreeChanges.
    • Finds Node (or Node[]) to use as the TransitionHook context(s)
    • For each of the Nodes, creates a TransitionHook


    • hookType: string

      the name of the hook registration function, e.g., 'onEnter', 'onFinish'.

    • matchingNodesProp: string

      selects which Nodes from the IMatchingNodes object to create hooks for.

    • sortHooksFn: function

      a function which compares two HookTuple and returns <1, 0, or >1

    • getLocals Default value: function = (node) => ({})

      a function which accepts a Node and returns additional locals to provide to the hook as injectables

        • Parameters

          Returns any

    • options Optional: TransitionHookOptions

      any specific Transition Hook Options

    Returns TransitionHook[]

  • _matchingHooks(hookName: string, treeChanges: TreeChanges): IEventHook[]
  • Finds all IEventHooks from:

    • The Transition object instance hook registry
    • The TransitionService ($transitions) global hook registry
  • Finds all IEventHooks from:

    • The Transition object instance hook registry
    • The TransitionService ($transitions) global hook registry

    which matched:

    • the eventType
    • the matchCriteria (to, from, exiting, retained, entering)


    Returns IEventHook[]


    an array of matched IEventHooks

  • asyncHooks(): Array<any>

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