ng2_directives | UI-Router
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External module ng2_directives

The UI-Router Angular 2 directives:

  • UIView: A viewport for routed components
  • UISref: A state ref to a target state; navigates when clicked
  • UISrefActive: (and UISrefActiveEq) Adds a css class when a UISref's target state (or a child state) is active



Reflect: any
UIROUTER_DIRECTIVES: Array<UISref | AnchorUISref | UIView | UISrefActive | UISrefStatus>

References to the UI-Router directive classes, for use within a @Component's directives: property

References to the UI-Router directive classes, for use within a @Component's directives: property


use UIRouterModule

_UIROUTER_DIRECTIVES: Array<UISref | AnchorUISref | UIView | UISrefActive | UISrefStatus>


  • getSrefStatus(event: TransEvt, srefTarget: TargetState): SrefStatus
  • Given a TransEvt (Transition event: started, success, error) and a UISref Target State, return a SrefStatus object which represents the current status of that Sref: active, activeEq (exact match), entering, exiting

  • Given a TransEvt (Transition event: started, success, error) and a UISref Target State, return a SrefStatus object which represents the current status of that Sref: active, activeEq (exact match), entering, exiting


    Returns SrefStatus

  • spreadToSubPaths(basePath: PathNode[], appendPath: PathNode[]): PathNode[]
  • Given basePath: [a, b], appendPath: [c, d]), Expands the path to [c], [c, d] Then appends each to [a,b,] and returns: [a, b, c], [a, b, c, d]

Object literals

inactiveStatus: object
active: boolean
entering: boolean
exact: boolean
exiting: boolean

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