UrlRouterProvider | @uirouter/angularjs

Class UrlRouterProvider

Manages rules for client-side URL

Deprecation warning:

This class is now considered to be an internal API Use the UrlService instead. For configuring URL rules, use the UrlRulesApi which can be found as UrlService.rules.

This class manages the router rules for what to do when the URL changes.

This provider remains for backwards compatibility.



  • UrlRouterProvider



  • deferIntercept(defer?: boolean): void
  • Disables monitoring of the URL.

  • Disables monitoring of the URL.

    Call this method before UI-Router has bootstrapped. It will stop UI-Router from performing the initial url sync.

    This can be useful to perform some asynchronous initialization before the router starts. Once the initialization is complete, call listen to tell UI-Router to start watching and synchronizing the URL.


    var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);
    app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
      // Prevent $urlRouter from automatically intercepting URL changes;
    app.run(function (MyService, $urlRouter, $http) {
      $http.get("/stuff").then(function(resp) {


    • defer: Optional  boolean

      Indicates whether to defer location change interception. Passing no parameter is equivalent to true.

    Returns void

  • Defines the path or behavior to use when no url can be matched.


    var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
    app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
      // if the path doesn't match any of the urls you configured
      // otherwise will take care of routing the user to the
      // specified url
      // Example of using function rule as param
      $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector, $location) {
        return '/a/valid/url';


    • rule string | RawNg1RuleFunction

      The url path you want to redirect to or a function rule that returns the url path or performs a $state.go(). The function version is passed two params: $injector and $location services, and should return a url string.

    Returns UrlRouterProvider


    $urlRouterProvider - $urlRouterProvider instance

  • Registers a url handler function.

    Registers a low level url handler (a rule). A rule detects specific URL patterns and returns a redirect, or performs some action.

    If a rule returns a string, the URL is replaced with the string, and all rules are fired again.


    var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
    app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
      // Here's an example of how you might allow case insensitive urls
      $urlRouterProvider.rule(function ($injector, $location) {
        var path = $location.path(),
            normalized = path.toLowerCase();
        if (path !== normalized) {
          return normalized;


    • ruleFn RawNg1RuleFunction

      Handler function that takes $injector and $location services as arguments. You can use them to detect a url and return a different url as a string.

  • when(what: string | RegExp | UrlMatcher, handler: string | IInjectable): this
  • Registers a handler for a given url matching.

  • Registers a handler for a given url matching.

    If the handler is a string, it is treated as a redirect, and is interpolated according to the syntax of match (i.e. like String.replace() for RegExp, or like a UrlMatcher pattern otherwise).

    If the handler is a function, it is injectable. It gets invoked if $location matches. You have the option of inject the match object as $match.

    The handler can return

    • falsy to indicate that the rule didn't match after all, then $urlRouter will continue trying to find another one that matches.
    • string which is treated as a redirect and passed to $location.url()
    • void or any truthy value tells $urlRouter that the url was handled.


    var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
    app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
      $urlRouterProvider.when($state.url, function ($match, $stateParams) {
        if ($state.$current.navigable !== state ||
            !equalForKeys($match, $stateParams) {
         $state.transitionTo(state, $match, false);


    • what string | RegExp | UrlMatcher

      A pattern string to match, compiled as a UrlMatcher.

    • handler string | IInjectable

      The path (or function that returns a path) that you want to redirect your user to.

    Returns this

  • injectableHandler(router: UIRouter, handler: any): UrlRuleHandlerFn

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