Ng1Controller | @uirouter/angularjs

Interface Ng1Controller

The shape of a controller for a view (and/or component), defining the controller callbacks.

A view in UI-Router is comprised of either a component (Ng1ViewDeclaration.component) or a combination of a template (or templateProvider) and a controller (or controllerProvider).

The controller object (or the component's controller object) can define component-level controller callbacks, which UI-Router will call at the appropriate times. These callbacks are similar to Transition Hooks (IHookRegistry), but are only called if the view is currently active.

This interface defines the UI-Router component callbacks.


  • Ng1Controller



  • uiCanExit(transition: Transition): HookResult
  • This callback is called when the view's state is about to be exited.

  • This callback is called when the view's state is about to be exited.

    This callback is used to inform a view that it is about to be exited, due to a new Transition. The callback can ask for user confirmation, and cancel or alter the new Transition. The callback should return a value, or a promise for a value. If a promise is returned, the new Transition waits until the promise settles.

    Called when:

    • The view is still active
    • A new Transition is about to run
    • The new Transition will exit the view's state

    Called with:

    • The new Transition

    Relevant return Values:

    • false: The transition is cancelled.
    • A rejected promise: The transition is cancelled.
    • TargetState: The transition is redirected to the new target state.
    • Anything else: the transition will continue normally (the state and view will be deactivated)


    app.component('myComponent', {
      template: '<input ng-model="$" type="text">',
      bindings: { 'data': '<' },
      controller: function() {
        this.originalData = angular.copy(;
        this.uiCanExit = function() {
          if (!angular.equals(, this.originalData)) {
            // Note: This could also return a Promise and request async
            // confirmation using something like ui-bootstrap $modal
            return window.confirm("Data has changed.  Exit anyway and lose changes?");


    • transition Transition

      the new Transition that is about to exit the component's state

    Returns HookResult


    a HookResult, or a promise for a HookResult

  • uiOnParamsChanged(newValues: any, $transition$: Transition): void
  • This callback is called when parameter values have changed.

  • This callback is called when parameter values have changed.

    This callback can be used to respond to changing parameter values in the current state, or in parent/child states. This callback is especially handy when using dynamic parameters (ParamDeclaration.dynamic)

    Called when:

    • The view is still active
    • A new transition has completed successfully
    • The state for the view (controller) was not reloaded
    • At least one parameter value was changed

    Called with:


    • newValues any

      an object containing the changed parameter values

    • $transition$ Transition

      the new Transition which triggered this callback


      angular.module('foo').controller('FancyCtrl', function() {
        this.uiOnParamsChanged = function(newParams) {
          console.log("new params: ", newParams);

    Returns void

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