UI-Router for AngularJS (1.x) - Hello World!

Let’s build a UI-Router for AngularJS Hello World application. It will have two “pages” (hello and about), each one having its own URL. We can switch between pages by clicking on links. The link for the active page will be highlighted.

Full Source Code

Start by looking over the complete source code for the Hello World application. We will go over each part in more detail below.


    <script src="lib/angular.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/angular-ui-router.js"></script>
    <script src="helloworld.js"></script>

    <style>.active { color: red; font-weight: bold; }</style>

  <body ng-app="helloworld">
    <a ui-sref="hello" ui-sref-active="active">Hello</a>
    <a ui-sref="about" ui-sref-active="active">About</a>



var myApp = angular.module('helloworld', ['ui.router']);

myApp.config(function($stateProvider) {
  var helloState = {
    name: 'hello',
    url: '/hello',
    template: '<h3>hello world!</h3>'

  var aboutState = {
    name: 'about',
    url: '/about',
    template: '<h3>Its the UI-Router hello world app!</h3>'


Live demo

A live demo of the finished app can be seen below, in the Plunker. Navigate between the “Hello” and “About” links and watch the UI change.

Building Hello World

Follow these steps to make your own copy of the Hello World app.

Get UI-Router

Get the UI-Router for AngularJS code using your preferred mechanism:

  • Using npm: npm install --save @uirouter/angularjs
  • Using bower: bower install angular-ui-router
  • Download directly from npmcdn

Add script tags

Add the angular-ui-router.js script tag after angular.js. Create a new script helloworld.js for the application code and add a script tag.

  <script src="lib/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular-ui-router.js"></script>
  <script src="helloworld.js"></script>

It’s important that angular.js is loaded before angular-ui-router.js (and the helloworld.js script).

Create an Angular module

Add a module in helloworld.js

var myApp = angular.module('helloworld', ['ui.router']);

We tell Angular that helloworld is our main module, and that the helloworld module depends on the ui.router module.

Create your first state

A state is the basic building block for UI-Router applications. This javascript object is a simple state definition.

var helloState = {
  name: 'hello',
  url: '/hello',
  template: '<h3>hello world!</h3>'

This simple state definition has three properties:

The state is named hello.
When the state is active, the browser’s url will be /hello.
The template: string defines the state’s view. When the state is active, this view will be loaded into a viewport.

Register states

Create another state (about). Register both states with $stateProvider in a config block.

myApp.config(function($stateProvider) {
  var helloState = {
    name: 'hello',
    url: '/hello',
    template: '<h3>hello world!</h3>'

  var aboutState = {
    name: 'about',
    url: '/about',
    template: '<h3>Its the UI-Router hello world app!</h3>'


Because $stateProvider is an Angular Provider, you must inject it into a .config() block using AngularJS Dependency Injection.


Add a <ui-view> tag (viewport) to your HTML.

<body ng-app="myApp">

The <ui-view> tag is a UI-Router viewport. When a state is activated, the state’s view (the template:) will be loaded into the viewport.

Add some ui-sref links. When clicked, the links will activate a state.

<body ng-app="myApp">
  <a ui-sref="hello">Hello</a>
  <a ui-sref="about">About</a>


A ui-sref is a directive, and behaves similar to an html href. Instead of referencing a url like an href, it references a state. The ui-sref directive automatically builds a href attribute for you (<a href=...></a>) based on your state’s url.

Add ui-sref-active="active" to the ui-sref links. This directive will add the active css class to the link when the target state is active.

  <a ui-sref="hello" ui-sref-active="active">Hello</a>
  <a ui-sref="about" ui-sref-active="active">About</a>


Finally, add the style tag and the .active class to style the active link as red and bold.

    <style>.active { color: red; font-weight: bolder; }</style>

Go back to the live demo and check it out!

When you’re finished, move on to the Hello Solar System! tutorial.
