ResolvePolicy | ui-router-ng2

Interface ResolvePolicy

Defines how a resolve is processed during a transition

This object is the StateDeclaration.resolvePolicy property.


// Fetched when the resolve's state is being entered.
// Wait for the promise to resolve.
var policy1 = { when: "LAZY", async: "WAIT" }

// Fetched when the Transition is starting.
// Do not wait for the returned promise to resolve.
// Inject the raw promise/value
var policy2 = { when: "EAGER", async: "NOWAIT" }

The policy for a given Resolvable is merged from three sources (highest priority first):

  • 1) Individual resolve definition
  • 2) State definition
  • 3) Global default


// Wait for an Observable to emit one item.
// Since `wait` is not specified, it uses the `wait`
// policy defined on the state, or the global default
// if no `wait` policy is defined on the state
var myResolvablePolicy = { async: "RXWAIT" }


  • ResolvePolicy




async: PolicyAsync

Determines the unwrapping behavior of asynchronous resolve values.

Determines the unwrapping behavior of asynchronous resolve values.

  • WAIT (default)
    • If a promise is returned from the resolveFn, wait for the promise before proceeding
    • If a promise is returned from the resolve, do not wait for the promise.
    • The promise will not be unwrapped.
    • The promise itself will be provided when the resolve is injected or bound elsewhere.
    • When an Observable is returned from the resolveFn, wait until the Observable emits at least one item.
    • The Observable item will not be unwrapped.
    • The Observable stream itself will be provided when the resolve is injected or bound elsewhere.
when: PolicyWhen

Defines when a Resolvable is resolved (fetched) during a transition

Defines when a Resolvable is resolved (fetched) during a transition

  • LAZY (default)
    • Resolved as the resolve's state is being entered
    • Resolved as the transition is starting

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