StatesModule | @uirouter/angular

Interface StatesModule

UI-Router Module declarative configuration which can be passed to UIRouterModule.forChild





config: function

A UI-Router Module's imperative configuration

A UI-Router Module's imperative configuration

If a UI-Router Module needs to perform some configuration (such as registering parameter types or Transition Hooks) a configFn should be supplied. The function will be passed the UIRouter instance, the module's Injector, and the module object.


import { Injector } from "@angular/core";
import { UIRouter } from "@uirouter/angular";
import { requireAuthHook } from "./requireAuthHook";
import { MyService } from "./myService";

export function configureMyModule(uiRouter: UIRouter, injector: Injector, module: StatesModule) {
  // Get UIRouter services off the UIRouter object
  let urlConfig = uiRouter.urlService.config;
  let transitionService = uiRouter.transitionService;

  transitionService.onBefore({ to: (state) => state.requiresAuth }, requireAuthHook);

  // Create a slug type based on the string type
  let builtInStringType = urlConfig.type('string');
  let slugType = Object.assign({}, builtInStringType, { encode: (str) => str, decode: (str) => str });
  urlConfig.type('slug', slugType);

  // Inject arbitrary services from DI using the Injector argument
  let myService: MyService = injector.get(MyService)



({ imports: [ UIRouterModule.forChild({ states: STATES, config: configureMyModule }); ] }) class MyModule {} ```

Type declaration

    • (uiRouterInstance: UIRouter, injector: Injector, module: StatesModule): any
    • Parameters

      • uiRouterInstance UIRouter
      • injector Injector
      • module StatesModule

      Returns any

states: Ng2StateDeclaration[]

The module's UI-Router states

The module's UI-Router states

This list of Ng2StateDeclaration objects will be registered with the StateRegistry. Also, the components that the states route to will be added to entryComponents so they will be compiled.

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