core | @uirouter/angular

Module core

Core classes and interfaces

The classes and interfaces that are core to ui-router and do not belong to a more specific subsystem (such as resolve).


Type aliases

ModuleTypeCallback: function

A function that returns an NgModule, or a promise for an NgModule

A function that returns an NgModule, or a promise for an NgModule


export function loadFooModule() {
  return System.import('../foo/foo.module').then(result => result.FooModule);

Type declaration

    • (): Type<any> | Promise<Type<any>>
    • Returns Type<any> | Promise<Type<any>>

NgModuleToLoad: string | ModuleTypeCallback

A string or a function which lazy loads a module

A string or a function which lazy loads a module

If a string, should conform to the Angular Router loadChildren string.


var ngModuleToLoad = './foo/foo.module#FooModule'

For functions, see: ModuleTypeCallback

PluginFactory: function

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      • router UIRouter
      • options: Optional  any

      Returns T


  • applyNgModule(transition: Transition, ng2Module: NgModuleRef<any>, parentInjector: Injector, lazyLoadState: StateDeclaration): LazyLoadResult
  • Apply the UI-Router Modules found in the lazy loaded module.

  • Apply the UI-Router Modules found in the lazy loaded module.

    Apply the Lazy Loaded NgModule's newly created Injector to the right state in the state tree.

    Lazy loading uses a placeholder state which is removed (and replaced) after the module is loaded. The NgModule should include a state with the same name as the placeholder.

    Find the newly loaded state with the same name as the placeholder state. The NgModule's Injector (and ComponentFactoryResolver) will be added to that state. The Injector/Factory are used when creating Components for the replacement state and all its children.


    • transition Transition
    • ng2Module NgModuleRef<any>
    • parentInjector Injector
    • lazyLoadState StateDeclaration

    Returns LazyLoadResult

  • loadModuleFactory(moduleToLoad: NgModuleToLoad, ng2Injector: Injector): Promise<NgModuleFactory<any>>
  • Returns the module factory that can be used to instantiate a module

  • Returns the module factory that can be used to instantiate a module

    For strings this:

    • Finds the correct NgModuleFactoryLoader
    • Loads the new NgModuleFactory from the path string (async)

    For a Type or Promise<Type> this:

    • Compiles the component type (if not running with AOT)
    • Returns the NgModuleFactory resulting from compilation (or direct loading if using AOT) as a Promise


    Returns Promise<NgModuleFactory<any>>

  • loadNgModule(moduleToLoad: NgModuleToLoad): function
  • Returns a function which lazy loads a nested module

  • Returns a function which lazy loads a nested module

    This is primarily used by the ng2LazyLoadBuilder when processing Ng2StateDeclaration.loadChildren.

    It could also be used manually as a StateDeclaration.lazyLoad property to lazy load an NgModule and its state(s).


    Using System.import() and named export of HomeModule

    declare var System;
    var futureState = {
      name: 'home.**',
      url: '/home',
      lazyLoad: loadNgModule(() => System.import('./home/home.module').then(result => result.HomeModule))


    Using a path (string) to the module

    var futureState = {
      name: 'home.**',
      url: '/home',
      lazyLoad: loadNgModule('./home/home.module#HomeModule')


    • moduleToLoad NgModuleToLoad

      a path (string) to the NgModule to load. Or a function which loads the NgModule code which should return a reference to the NgModule class being loaded (or a Promise for it).

    Returns function


    A function which takes a transition, which:

    • Gets the Injector (scoped properly for the destination state)
    • Loads and creates the NgModule
    • Finds the "replacement state" for the target state, and adds the new NgModule Injector to it (as a resolve)
    • Returns the new states array
      • (transition: Transition, stateObject: StateDeclaration): Promise<LazyLoadResult>
      • Parameters

        • transition Transition
        • stateObject StateDeclaration

        Returns Promise<LazyLoadResult>

  • locationStrategy(useHash: any): object
  • makeRootProviders(module: RootModule): Provider[]
  • multiProviderParentChildDelta(parent: Injector, child: Injector, token: any): RootModule[]
  • Returns the new dependency injection values from the Child Injector

  • Returns the new dependency injection values from the Child Injector

    When a DI token is defined as multi: true, the child injector can add new values for the token.

    This function returns the values added by the child injector, and excludes all values from the parent injector.


    • parent Injector
    • child Injector
    • token any

    Returns RootModule[]

  • onTransitionReady(transitionService: TransitionService, root: RootModule[]): (Anonymous function) | (Anonymous function)

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