UIRouterModule | @uirouter/angular

Class UIRouterModule

Creates UI-Router Modules

This class has two static factory methods which create UIRouter Modules. A UI-Router Module is an Angular NgModule with support for UI-Router.

UIRouter Directives

When a UI-Router Module is imported into a NgModule, that module's components can use the UIRouter Directives such as UIView, UISref, UISrefActive.

State Definitions

State definitions found in the states: property are provided to the Dependency Injector. This enables UI-Router to automatically register the states with the StateRegistry at bootstrap (and during lazy load).

Entry Components

Any routed components are added as entryComponents: so they will get compiled.


  • UIRouterModule




  • forChild(module?: StatesModule): ModuleWithProviders
  • Creates an NgModule for a UIRouter module

  • Creates an NgModule for a UIRouter module

    This function creates an Angular NgModule with UI-Router support.


    var homeState = { name: 'home', url: '/home', component: Home };
    var aboutState = { name: 'about', url: '/about', component: About };
    @ NgModule({
      imports: [
        UIRouterModule.forChild({ states: [ homeState, aboutState ] }),
      declarations: [ Home, About ],
    export class AppModule {};


    • module: Default value  StatesModule = {}

      UI-Router module options

    Returns ModuleWithProviders


    an NgModule

  • forRoot(config?: RootModule): ModuleWithProviders
  • Creates a UI-Router Module for the root (bootstrapped) application module to import

  • Creates a UI-Router Module for the root (bootstrapped) application module to import

    This factory function creates an Angular NgModule with UI-Router support.

    The forRoot module should be added to the imports: of the NgModule being bootstrapped. An application should only create and import a single NgModule using forRoot(). All other modules should be created using UIRouterModule.forChild.

    Unlike forChild, an NgModule returned by this factory provides the UIRouter singleton object. This factory also accepts root-level router configuration. These are the only differences between forRoot and forChild.


    let routerConfig = {
      otherwise: '/home',
      states: [homeState, aboutState]
    @ NgModule({
      imports: [
    class MyRootAppModule {}


    • config: Default value  RootModule = {}

      declarative UI-Router configuration

    Returns ModuleWithProviders


    an NgModule which provides the UIRouter singleton instance

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