UrlRuleHandlerFn | @uirouter/angular
  • @uirouter/angular
  • url
  • UrlRuleHandlerFn

Interface UrlRuleHandlerFn

Handler invoked when a rule is matched

The matched value from the rule's UrlRuleMatchFn is passed as the first argument The handler should return a string (to redirect), a TargetState/TargetStateDef, or void

If the handler returns a string, the url is replaced with the string. If the handler returns a TargetState, the target state is activated.


  • UrlRuleHandlerFn


  • Handler invoked when a rule is matched

    The matched value from the rule's UrlRuleMatchFn is passed as the first argument The handler should return a string (to redirect), a TargetState/TargetStateDef, or void

    If the handler returns a string, the url is replaced with the string. If the handler returns a TargetState, the target state is activated.


    • matchValue: Optional  any
    • url: Optional  UrlParts
    • router: Optional  UIRouter

    Returns string | TargetState | TargetStateDef | void

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