Hook Criterion used to match a transition.
A Glob string that matches the name of a state.
Or, a function with the signature function(state, transition) { return matches; } which should return a boolean to indicate if a state matches.
function(state, transition) { return matches; }
Or, true to always match
The return value of a TransitionHookFn or TransitionStateHookFn
When returned from a TransitionHookFn or TransitionStateHookFn, these values alter the running Transition:
A predicate type which tests if a StateObject and Transition passes some test. Returns a boolean.
Generated using TypeDoc
Hook Criterion used to match a transition.
A Glob string that matches the name of a state.
Or, a function with the signature
function(state, transition) { return matches; }
which should return a boolean to indicate if a state matches.Or,
to always match