"@uirouter/core/src/vanilla/q" | @uirouter/angular
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External module "@uirouter/core/src/vanilla/q"




Const $q

$q: $QLike = {/** Normalizes a value as a promise */when: (val) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(val)),/** Normalizes a value as a promise rejection */reject: (val) =>new Promise((resolve, reject) => {reject(val);}),/** @returns a deferred object, which has `resolve` and `reject` functions */defer: () => {const deferred: any = {};deferred.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {deferred.resolve = resolve;deferred.reject = reject;});return deferred;},/** Like Promise.all(), but also supports object key/promise notation like $q */all: (promises: { [key: string]: Promise<any> } | Promise<any>[]) => {if (isArray(promises)) {return Promise.all(promises);}if (isObject(promises)) {// Convert promises map to promises array.// When each promise resolves, map it to a tuple { key: key, val: val }const chain = Object.keys(promises).map((key) => promises[key].then((val) => ({ key, val })));// Then wait for all promises to resolve, and convert them back to an objectreturn $q.all(chain).then((values) =>values.reduce((acc, tuple) => {acc[tuple.key] = tuple.val;return acc;}, {}));}},} as $QLike

An angular1-like promise api

This object implements four methods similar to the angular 1 promise api

UI-Router evolved from an angular 1 library to a framework agnostic library. However, some of the @uirouter/core code uses these ng1 style APIs to support ng1 style dependency injection.

This API provides native ES6 promise support wrapped as a $q-like API. Internally, UI-Router uses this $q object to perform promise operations. The angular-ui-router (ui-router for angular 1) uses the $q API provided by angular.

$q-like promise api

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