UiOnExit | @uirouter/angular
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  • UiOnExit





  • uiCanExit(newTransition?: Transition): HookResult
  • A UI-Router view has an Angular Component (see Ng2ViewDeclaration.component). The Component may define component-level hooks which UI-Router will call at the appropriate times. These callbacks are similar to Transition Hooks ([[IHookRegistry]]), but are only called if the view/component is currently active.

    The uiCanExit callback is called when the routed component's state is about to be exited.

    The callback can be used to cancel or alter the new Transition that would otherwise exit the component's state.

    This callback is used to inform a view that it is about to be exited, due to a new [[Transition]]. The callback can ask for user confirmation, and cancel or alter the new Transition. The callback should return a value, or a promise for a value. If a promise is returned, the new Transition waits until the promise settles.

    Called when:

    • The component is still active inside a ui-view
    • A new Transition is about to run
    • The new Transition will exit the view's state

    Called with:

    • The Transition that is about to exit the component's state


      template: '<input type="text">'
    class MyComponent {
      dirty = true;
      constructor(public confirmService: confirmService) {
      uiCanExit(newTransition: Transition) {
        if (this.dirty && newTransition.to() !== 'logout') {
          return this.confirmService.confirm("Exit without saving changes?");


    • Optional newTransition: Transition

    Returns HookResult

    a hook result which may cancel or alter the pending Transition (see [[HookResult]])

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