TransitionServicePluginAPI | @uirouter/react

Interface TransitionServicePluginAPI

Plugin API for Transition Service


  • TransitionServicePluginAPI



  • _defineEvent(name: string, hookPhase: TransitionHookPhase, hookOrder: number, criteriaMatchPath: PathType, reverseSort?: boolean, getResultHandler?: GetResultHandler, getErrorHandler?: GetErrorHandler, rejectIfSuperseded?: boolean): any
  • Defines a transition hook type and returns a transition hook registration function (which can then be used to register hooks of this type).

  • Defines a transition hook type and returns a transition hook registration function (which can then be used to register hooks of this type).


    Returns any

  • _definePathType(name: string, hookScope: TransitionHookScope): any
  • Adds a Path to be used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

  • Adds a Path to be used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

    For example: the exiting path in HookMatchCriteria is a STATE scoped path. It was defined by calling defineTreeChangesCriterion('exiting', TransitionHookScope.STATE) Each state in the exiting path is checked against the criteria and returned as part of the match.

    Another example: the to path in HookMatchCriteria is a TRANSITION scoped path. It was defined by calling defineTreeChangesCriterion('to', TransitionHookScope.TRANSITION) Only the tail of the to path is checked against the criteria and returned as part of the match.


    Returns any

  • _getEvents(phase?: TransitionHookPhase): TransitionEventType[]
  • Returns the known event types, such as onBefore If a phase argument is provided, returns only events for the given phase.

  • Returns the known event types, such as onBefore If a phase argument is provided, returns only events for the given phase.


    Returns TransitionEventType[]

  • _getPathTypes(): PathTypes
  • Gets a Path definition used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

  • Gets a Path definition used as a criterion against a TreeChanges path

    Returns PathTypes

  • getHooks(hookName: string): RegisteredHook[]
  • Returns the hooks registered for the given hook name

  • Returns the hooks registered for the given hook name


    • hookName string

    Returns RegisteredHook[]

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