$injector:$InjectorLike = {/** Gets an object from DI based on a string token */get: (name) => globals[name],/** Returns true if an object named `name` exists in global DI */has: (name) => $injector.get(name) != null,/*** Injects a function** @param fn the function to inject* @param context the function's `this` binding* @param locals An object with additional DI tokens and values, such as `{ someToken: { foo: 1 } }`*/invoke: (fn: IInjectable, context?, locals?) => {const all = extend({}, globals, locals || {});const params = $injector.annotate(fn);const ensureExist = assertPredicate((key: string) => all.hasOwnProperty(key),(key) => `DI can't find injectable: '${key}'`);const args = params.filter(ensureExist).map((x) => all[x]);if (isFunction(fn)) return fn.apply(context, args);else return (fn as any[]).slice(-1)[0].apply(context, args);},/*** Returns a function's dependencies** Analyzes a function (or array) and returns an array of DI tokens that the function requires.* @return an array of `string`s*/annotate: (fn: IInjectable): any[] => {if (!isInjectable(fn)) throw new Error(`Not an injectable function: ${fn}`);if (fn && (fn as any).$inject) return (fn as any).$inject;if (isArray(fn)) return fn.slice(0, -1);const fnStr = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '');const result = fnStr.slice(fnStr.indexOf('(') + 1, fnStr.indexOf(')')).match(ARGUMENT_NAMES);return result || [];},} as $InjectorLike
UI-Router evolved from an angular 1 library to a framework agnostic library.
However, some of the @uirouter/core code uses these ng1 style APIs to support ng1 style dependency injection.
This object provides a naive implementation of a globally scoped dependency injection system.
It supports the following DI approaches:
A function's .toString() is called, and the parameter names are parsed.
This only works when the parameter names aren't "mangled" by a minifier such as UglifyJS.
functioninjectedFunction(FooService, BarService) {
// FooService and BarService are injected
A basic angular1-like injector api
This object implements four methods similar to the angular 1 dependency injector
UI-Router evolved from an angular 1 library to a framework agnostic library. However, some of the
code uses these ng1 style APIs to support ng1 style dependency injection.This object provides a naive implementation of a globally scoped dependency injection system. It supports the following DI approaches:
Function parameter names
A function's
is called, and the parameter names are parsed. This only works when the parameter names aren't "mangled" by a minifier such as UglifyJS.function injectedFunction(FooService, BarService) { // FooService and BarService are injected }
Function annotation
A function may be annotated with an array of dependency names as the
property.injectedFunction.$inject = [ 'FooService', 'BarService' ]; function injectedFunction(fs, bs) { // FooService and BarService are injected as fs and bs parameters }
Array notation
An array provides the names of the dependencies to inject (as strings). The function is the last element of the array.
[ 'FooService', 'BarService', function (fs, bs) { // FooService and BarService are injected as fs and bs parameters }]