ParamType | @uirouter/react

Class ParamType

An internal class which implements ParamTypeDefinition.

A ParamTypeDefinition is a plain javascript object used to register custom parameter types. When a param type definition is registered, an instance of this class is created internally.

This class has naive implementations for all the ParamTypeDefinition methods.

Used by UrlMatcher when matching or formatting URLs, or comparing and validating parameter values.


var paramTypeDef = {
  decode: function(val) { return parseInt(val, 10); },
  encode: function(val) { return val && val.toString(); },
  equals: function(a, b) { return && a === b; },
  is: function(val) { return angular.isNumber(val) && isFinite(val) && val % 1 === 0; },
  pattern: /\d+/

var paramType = new ParamType(paramTypeDef);


  • ParamType




  • Parameters

    • def ParamTypeDefinition

      A configuration object which contains the custom type definition. The object's properties will override the default methods and/or pattern in ParamType's public interface.

    Returns ParamType


    a new ParamType object


dynamic: boolean

Dynamic flag

Dynamic flag

When dynamic is true, changes to the parameter value will not cause the state to be entered/exited.

Normally, if a parameter value changes, the state which declared that the parameter will be reloaded (entered/exited). When a parameter is dynamic, a transition still occurs, but it does not cause the state to exit/enter.

Default: false

inherit: boolean = true

Enables/disables inheriting of parameter values (of this type)

Enables/disables inheriting of parameter values (of this type)

When a transition is run with TransitionOptions.inherit set to true, the current param values are inherited in the new transition. However, parameters whose type has inherit: false set will not be inherited.

The internal parameter type of hash has inherit: false. This is used to disable inheriting of the hash value (#) on subsequent transitions.


$state.go('home', { '#': 'inboxAnchor' });
// "#" is not inherited.
// The value of the "#" parameter will be `null`
// The url's hash will be cleared.

See also TransitionOptions.inherit and ParamDeclaration.inherit

name: string

The name/id of the parameter type

The name/id of the parameter type

pattern: RegExp = /.*/

A regular expression that matches the encoded parameter type

A regular expression that matches the encoded parameter type

This regular expression is used to match an encoded parameter value in the URL.

For example, if your type encodes as a dash-separated numbers, match that here: new RegExp("[0-9]+(?:-[0-9]+)*").

There are some limitations to these regexps:

  • No capturing groups are allowed (use non-capturing groups: (?: ))
  • No pattern modifiers like case insensitive
  • No start-of-string or end-of-string: /^foo$/
raw: boolean

Disables url-encoding of parameter values

Disables url-encoding of parameter values

If a parameter type is declared raw, it will not be url-encoded. Custom encoding can still be applied in the encode function.

Decoding warning

The decoding behavior of raw parameters is not defined. See: ParamDeclaration.raw for details


  • $asArray(mode: boolean | "auto", isSearch: boolean): any
  • Wraps an existing custom ParamType as an array of ParamType, depending on 'mode'. e.g.:

    • urlmatcher pattern "/path?{queryParam[]:int}"
    • url: "/path?queryParam=1&queryParam=2
    • $stateParams.queryParam will be [1, 2] if mode is "auto", then
    • url: "/path?queryParam=1 will create $stateParams.queryParam: 1
    • url: "/path?queryParam=1&queryParam=2 will create $stateParams.queryParam: [1, 2]
  • Wraps an existing custom ParamType as an array of ParamType, depending on 'mode'. e.g.:

    • urlmatcher pattern "/path?{queryParam[]:int}"
    • url: "/path?queryParam=1&queryParam=2
    • $stateParams.queryParam will be [1, 2] if mode is "auto", then
    • url: "/path?queryParam=1 will create $stateParams.queryParam: 1
    • url: "/path?queryParam=1&queryParam=2 will create $stateParams.queryParam: [1, 2]


    • mode boolean | "auto"
    • isSearch boolean

    Returns any

  • $normalize(val: any): any
  • Given an encoded string, or a decoded object, returns a decoded object

  • Given an encoded string, or a decoded object, returns a decoded object


    • val any

    Returns any

  • $subPattern(): string
  • Returns string

  • decode(val: string, key?: string): any
  • Decodes a parameter value string (from URL string or transition param) to a custom/native value.

  • Decodes a parameter value string (from URL string or transition param) to a custom/native value.

    For example, if your type decodes to an array of ints, then decode the string as an array of ints here:

    decode: (str) => str.split("-").map(str => parseInt(str, 10))

    Note: in general, encode and decode should be symmetrical. That is, encode(decode(str)) === str


    • val string
    • key: Optional  string

    Returns any


    a custom representation of the URL parameter value.

  • encode(val: any, key?: string): string | string[]
  • Encodes a custom/native type value to a string that can be embedded in a URL.

  • Encodes a custom/native type value to a string that can be embedded in a URL.

    Note that the return value does not need to be URL-safe (i.e. passed through encodeURIComponent()). It only needs to be a representation of val that has been encoded as a string.

    For example, if your custom type decodes to an array of ints, then encode the array of ints to a string here:

    encode: (intarray) => intarray.join("-")

    Note: in general, encode and decode should be symmetrical. That is, encode(decode(str)) === str


    • val any
    • key: Optional  string

    Returns string | string[]


    a string representation of val that can be encoded in a URL.

  • equals(a: any, b: any): boolean
  • Determines whether two decoded values are equivalent.

  • Determines whether two decoded values are equivalent.

    For example, if your type decodes to an array of ints, then check if the arrays are equal:

    equals: (a, b) => a.length === b.length && a.reduce((acc, x, idx) => acc && x === b[idx], true)


    • a any
    • b any

    Returns boolean


    true if the values are equivalent/equal, otherwise false.

  • is(val: any, key?: string): boolean
  • Tests if some object type is compatible with this parameter type

  • Tests if some object type is compatible with this parameter type

    Detects whether some value is of this particular type. Accepts a decoded value and determines whether it matches this ParamType object.

    If your custom type encodes the parameter to a specific type, check for that type here. For example, if your custom type decodes the URL parameter value as an array of ints, return true if the input is an array of ints:

    is: (val) => Array.isArray(val) && array.reduce((acc, x) => acc && parseInt(val, 10) === val, true)

    If your type decodes the URL parameter value to a custom string, check that the string matches the pattern (don't use an arrow fn if you need this): function (val) { return !!this.pattern.exec(val) }

    Note: This method is not used to check if the URL matches. It's used to check if a decoded value is this type. Use pattern to check the encoded value in the URL.


    • val any
    • key: Optional  string

    Returns boolean


    true if the value matches the type, otherwise false.

  • toString(): string
  • Returns string

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